Inchworm Animation,
available exclusively on
Nintendo DSiWare™
Check out the Trailer
Here’s a YouTube link if the one on this page won’t play
Inchworm Animation © 2011 Flat Black Films, Inc.
- create multi-layer flipbook animations
-variable-thickness antialiased brushes
- use the camera for stop-motion & time lapse
- rotoscope by tracing on top of camera footage
-different layers can have different frame lengths
-circles, rectangles and polygons (w/ border)
-translucent color and pattern fill
-custom palette storage
-pattern editor
-individual animation frame timing
-6 levels of zoom
- export to SD card (SWF, BMP sequence)
-work on images up to 9999 x 9999 pixels
-cut/paste to clipboard
-rescale clipboard images
-flip and 90-degree rotate
Inchworm Animation™ is the new handheld animation system from Flat Black Films. Designed exclusively for the Nintendo DSi™ system, it offers unprecedented animation power at your fingertips.
Five years in development, little Inchworm is finally crossing the finish line!
Click here to see some Inchworm Animation™ movies in action.